Trisik Beach is in Galur, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. Trisik Beach has a beautiful panorama in the morning and afternoon. To Trisik Beach, we will pass the vast rice fields and coconut groves belonging to the inhabitants.
Not about the place of fish sales or turtle conservation activities that I will tell. But more to the owners of the feathers that come in this place. Yes, a beach bird. Both settlers and migrants. Unfortunately this very important location is not so well known among birdwatchers. I myself just found out that Trisik Beach is a bird watching spot in the year 2013 when I accidentally follow Mobupi activity because I was invited by Bionic UNY member.
Coastal bird sighting experience I have ever done in Trisik Beach may be seen in " Bird Watching in Trisik ".
Yesterday (14/09/2014), I returned to Trisik Beach for invitation and photo submission from Mas Wahb. He sent a snapshot of the snowbrowing snout that was feeding in the fields. Many of the Bionicers are interested in the photo. Finally I decided to take a look at Trisik Beach.
Not yet on the beach, I, Mba Arel, and Mas EP see Mas Wahb, Mba Dwi, Ajeng, and Mas Shaim already standing on the roadside while arranging a monocular directed to the fields. Apparently there snipe Berkik location which on the previous day exhibited in the Whatsapp group. My guess is we have to pass the steep road up to the beach to find this bird turned out to be only in the rice fields.
Greater Painted Snipe / Rostratula benghalensis may be slightly different from other birds usually. I think it is . See the picture below. Guess, is this male or female? The answer is manly, wrong. The truth is females.
Not long ago came Mas Kir and his friend, then Mas Nano. Satisfied to see birds from a distance is not greget taste if not close to the object. That's not my word. Mas Kir, Mas Arif, Mas Shaim, and Mas Nano form a formation to surround the birds to be photographed. I can only look at using binoculars.
In addition, I had time to see the Wood Sandpiper / Tringa glareola . Dark brownish gray with white tungging. Black beak, brown eyes, white eyebrows, white tungging, yellow legs. The top of the chocolate with black and white spots. Tail striped brown, black, and white.
Observations moved to the delta of the Progo River. We had to get back past the Progo bridge and through the streets in the middle of the rice fields. Not paved and still overgrown with grass. Arrive at delta progo, water still not so high tide. We made the shade by relying on the banana trees that were dragged by the current.
There is not much I can identify. Only a few of the Ardeidae Family are represented Cangak abu / Gray Heron / Ardea cinerea and Cangak merah / Purple Heron / Ardea purpurea . Both of these birds are large. Cangak ash (90cm) is slightly larger than Cangak merah (80cm). As the name implies, Cangak ash is white, gray, and black with eye lines, crest, flying feathers, and black shoulders. Unlike his brother, the red Cangak is brownish gray and black with a black stripe along the red rust neck. The top is gray with reddish-brown feet.
The host of Javan Plover / Charadrius javanicus also welcomes birdwatchers. Recorded there are about 15 tail at the time of observation. Black-naped / Black-naped Terns / Sterna sumatrana and red Kedidi neck / Rufous-necked Stint / Calidris ruficollis were also observed in the Progo River Delta.
guiding nggak mas untuk birding trip? boleh minta alamat emailnya?
ReplyDeleteboleh, dengan siapa ya? silahkan dm di instagram @aghnan
DeleteKalo guide ada nggak ya untuk birding doang
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